contact mona adam:
a letter to residents from councillor mona adam
Dear Resident,
Ever since you elected me to represent you, I have worked hard to do the right thing for Golborne. To make sure I can do that, I recently took the decision to leave the Labour Party and join the Green Party.
I have been very disappointed with many decisions by the national Labour Party such as their failure to promise better funding for local services after a General Election and their failure to call for a ceasefire in Gaza. I have also found that working within the Labour Party locally has not helped me to serve Golborne as effectively as I would like.
My principles and values have not changed but over time I have found myself to be more in agreement with the Green Party.
I have been impressed with the rapidly growing Green Party in London and the work of their councillors and their campaigning for residents. I have respected the determined way in which they hold both the London Mayor and the London Borough Councils to account.
My role as a councillor remains to represent you as my residents, on local issues that matter to you such as better standards in council housing and sorting local traffic problems. I feel I can do this best as a Green Party councillor, as it is the party that best reflects my stance that residents come before party politics. The Green Party will support my in my work to serve the people of our area.
I will continue, as always, to be available for residents and encourage you to contact me if you need any help with a local issue or just wish to express a view or opinion.
I will always put your interests first and continue to do the right thing for Golborne.
Mona Adam